Valentines Conversation Hearts Craft – Bracelets

Valentines Conversation Hearts Craft
Valentines Conversation Hearts Craft

Valentines Day is fast approaching and this is the first year my daughter gets to participate in the fun tradition of passing out valentines at school! Even though my daughter loves getting the paper valentines, I thought it would be really fun if we made conversation heart bracelets for her classmates. Let me show you how we made these simple valentines conversation hearts craft. These could also be really fun to do at home with your kids for a Valentines Day activity.

Valentines Conversation Hearts Craft

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Step 1

Figure out about how many beads long your bracelets need to be. Ours were for kids ages 5 and 6 so I used my daughters wrist and determined around 20 beads was a good size. This way I could tie the string tight and hide the knot. Test the first one out to make sure you can easily get it on and off and it is not too tight.

Step 2

Cut your string, add beads, tie a knot, and snip the excess string.

We made a list of our conversation heart words on a piece of paper so my daughter could help me gather the letters for each word. I picked words that would be most appropriate for Kindergarteners.

We decided to use these words:

  • Sweetie
  • Cool
  • Love
  • I (heart symbol) U
  • Bestie
  • Hugs
  • Friend
  • Kind
  • Funny
  • Awesome
  • One that said “Best Teacher” (I used my wrist to determine the sizing for this one)
  • A couple other bracelets just used the heart symbols with beads

Be careful with using too many words with the letter “E” in them. I ran out of E’s at the end. But, this might have just been my batch. I was able to make 35 bracelets and still have beads left over (except for letter “E”).

Step 3

Depending on the teachers instructions, have your child write who each bracelet is “To” and “From” on each heart paper cut out. This is great letter writing practice. I just had my daughter write “From: (insert name)” on each paper heart to make it simpler for her to pass out. Tie each one to a bracelet with the fun red and white string and that is it!

Valentines Conversation Hearts Craft

It was a really fun craft to do with my daughter. We spread it out over a few days to make it easier. Happy Valentines Day!

XO – Kelly

Valentines Conversation Hearts Craft
Valentines Conversation Hearts Craft
Valentines Conversation Hearts Craft

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